Speed Calculator

Speed Calculator
D&D 5e Movement Speed
D&D Movement Speed to mph Calculator
5e Travel Speed
DnD Speed Chart
Horse Travel Speed 5e
D&D Travel Time by Horse
Breakneck Speeds
All characters and monsters in Dungeons & Dragons receive a specific speed defined as the distance the creature can move in a single round, or what most consider to be around six seconds of in-game time. These designated speeds represent quick, spirited bursts of movement often spurred on by the threat of potential harm, generally during combat. Within D&D, a typical human has a speed of 30 feet, which may initially appear surprisingly high. However, the fastest people in the real world can run at speed nearly seven times that at a full sprint—though admittedly without a complete set of gear. Still, considering how powerful player characters become, 30 feet in six seconds may feel almost ordinary.
Though it may be arguably more fun, there's more to speed and travel than crossing a castle courtyard to punch a spider-horse in the kneecap. During campaigns, players may traverse boundless cities, sprawling nations, or clear across the world, and they're certainly not doing so 30 feet at a time. The basic rules provide a Travel Pace table for more extended expeditions. However, Fifth Edition established this table very early, before many of the expansions we know today. Due to this, it may not accurately consider your party's diverse races and abilities or various alternative methods of travel.
Players who journey longer distances can decide to move at a slow, normal, or fast pace. A slower pace allows the group to use stealth to help prevent detection or tracking, but they lose around a third of the distance they would normally travel. A faster rate will increase the traversed distance by thirty-three percent, but each party member will suffer a negative five penalty to their passive perception. Despite the group's choice, dungeon masters may also enforce travel exhaustion rules. When implemented, characters who continuously travel beyond eight hours per day must make a Constitution saving throw. The DC is ten plus the number of hours beyond eight, and characters suffer one level of exhaustion if failed.
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And here I am, using my legs like a sucker.
Travel is not limited to the strict bipedal efforts of player characters. While a giddy romp through the countryside has merits, those with a long expedition ahead and a coin to spare can invest in a good mount. There are many different types of mounts throughout Toril, able to traverse all manner of terrain. In most instances, these beasts readily outpace a typical humanoid. At a fast pace, a mounted character can often cover twice the distance of their standard speed, providing they allow the creature a brief rest every hour or so.
Characters may also travel by wagon, carriage, or other vehicles. Though typically powered by a mountable creature, a vehicle's size, weight, and capability often limit its overall speed, restricting the pace to normal. Waterborne vessels, flying ships, and other atypical travel methods may also have alternative benefits or limitations outlined in their descriptions. Regardless of the party's choice, vehicles may not initially seem worth the investment unless they decide to transport cargo. However, one particular advantage is freeing players' hands and minds to participate in more beneficial activities.
Having one or more team members keep watch as you travel is essential, but less observant members might be better suited to alternative tasks. With the dungeon master's permission, those players could help navigate to prevent getting lost, draw a map to record the group's position, track a creature they may be pursuing, or forage for passing food and water sources. Depending on the adventuring party's specific needs, these activities can be massively beneficial and would be far more difficult on the back of a galloping creature.
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