Slashing Weapon Names
Necrotic Scythe
Queen's Manners
Simple Incision
Murderous Minion
Death's Grin
Misty Dawn
Clean Cut
Small Portion
Grimblade's Bite
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D&D Slashing Damage
What are slashing weapons?
Slashing weapons rely on the wielder's force applied towards a dangerously sharpened edge. This category of deadly armaments includes implements like the handaxe, battleaxe, greataxe, longsword, scimitar, greatsword, sickle, glaive, and halberd. In contrast to other categories, these weapons deal damage by cutting or chopping into opponents and often require considerable strength and substantial skill to master.
Unlike the more nimble short sword or rapier, which rely on thrusting, slashing weapons are typically made heavier as a way to put additional weight behind the implement's cutting edge. The more momentum a warrior is able to generate, the more deadly their strike, and the more efficient they will be on the battlefield. These tools of warfare are visceral, intense, and made for a singular gruesome purpose. Those willing to wield such weapons must have unflinching intent and a strong stomach.
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Which is the best to use?
Swords are undoubtedly the most common slashing weapon available to and used by adventurers. Longswords, scimitars, and greatswords are all deadly weapons in the hands of a well-trained warrior. The length and design of a longsword varied between the cultures of Toril, but most are a double-edged, fullered blade with a sharp tip. The fuller, or center groove, allows the smith to remove material, making the blade lighter and more flexible. Scimitars are one-handed single-edged swords that are almost always curved or angled. Though they lack the destructive power of larger swords, a skilled user can target vital areas better than most others. The largest member of the sword family is the greatsword. These two-handed slabs of metal were reliable and powerful weapons that required immense strength to wield.
Similar to many other weapons, martial axes evolved from early worker's tools. Handaxes are the closest to their more innocent heritage and are nearly indistinguishable from hatchets. Like most axes, handaxes consist of a shaft made of wood or other rigid material with a metal or stone blade. They are often used in close-quarters combat and are not balanced enough to be used as a throwing weapon. Battleaxes are the largest of the single-handed ax family. Their blades are either slightly curved or rounded, and they often have short spikes on the back of their axhead. The largest of the ax group is the intimidating two-handed greataxe. These heavy axes sported a double-bladed head that allowed for devastating offensive movements.
Many polearms allow their users to slash opponents as well. Sickles, glaives, and halberds are all unique pole-mounted weapons that provide reach and a certain amount of battlefield control. Sickles originated as farm implements, slowly evolving into the combat weapons we know today. Their arched blade forms a semicircle that comes to a sharp point, with the cutting edge on the curve's interior. Glaives have a sword-like cutting blade with a back spike forged perpendicular to the blade or angled forward. The halberd has a uniquely shaped three-part head that includes an ax, back spike, and spear tip. The axhead was concave-to-nearly straight and set at an angle instead of being mounted perpendicular like most axes. The back spike was short compared to other weapons and was angled slightly downward to compensate for the typical striking angle.
Though most effective against unarmored creatures, a whip is also considered a slashing weapon due to its ability to tear flesh. A skilled combatant could trip or disarm an opponent with a well-aimed strike as well. However, this proficiency requires a considerable amount of training. Unlike other metallic slashing weapons, Whips consist of a long, flexible braided leather cord that tapers gradually from the handle to the tip.
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